Enrolling at The King David School
We know choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make. We are here every step of the way to answer your questions and to demonstrate The King David School difference.
We understand that finding the right school for your child is crucial, and that a school’s environment and standard of education have a lasting impact on your child’s future.
Our educational approach develops students who know themselves, are able to adapt and rise to challenges, and are ready to contribute to the Jewish community and wider Australia.
A visit to our School will enable you to see firsthand what it means to be a student at The King David School.
Book a Discovery Tour
The Enrolment Process
Starting at King David
The Enrolment Process
All families are encouraged to attend a Discovery Tour where you have the chance to meet the Principal and other relevant staff members and see the School in action during the regular school operating hours. You will also have the chance to speak with current students who can answer your questions about the School. Click here to book a tour.
All applicants are required to complete the online Application for Enrolment Form and pay a $100 Application Fee. We encourage you to complete this application as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Once this has been received, your child will be added to our waiting list for the nominated year level and year of entry according to the School’s Enrolment Policy. Please contact admissions@kds.vic.edu.au for an application form.
For students in Prep – Year 12, a pre-entry form is completed in the year prior to commencement. We also ask you to submit copies of previous school reports, NAPLAN results and any other educational assessments (where applicable) at this time. Note for Year 7 entry, this process takes place two years prior to entry. Please contact admissions@kds.vic.edu.au to begin this process.
For entry into Prep – Year 12, students, together with their parents / guardians are invited to an interview with the Principal and/or Head of School to discuss their interests and answer any questions you might have. An application and a pre-entry interview are a prerequisite for admission but not a guarantee of admission.
For entry into Years 1-12, students join in with a regular day in their peer level. Students may also undertake pre-entry assessments. For Year 7 entry, attendance at either Connect Day and/or Experience Day is required in place of a day visit.
Early Learning Centre
Offers of place for our Early Learning Centre are sent out approximately 18 months prior to your child’s proposed start date. Upon accepting a place, you will be required to complete and return the following documents:
- Completed Reply Form, indicating your preferred days of enrolment
(minimum 2 days for Pre-Kindergarten, minimum 3 days for Kindergarten) - Signed copy of the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
- For new students, a non-refundable Confirmation Fee of $500 is required
- A Prep Holding Deposit of $1000 is required. (Please note that once a child commences Prep, the Prep Holding Deposit will be credited to your account along with a School provided bonus of $4000. In total, $5000 will be applied evenly across the tuition fees billed in the initial year of Prep. The credit can only be used in this way and is not refundable under any circumstances.)
Children must not be enrolled in another funded kindergarten program at any other early childhood service.
Prep – Year 12
A formal Offer of place into the School may be made following the enrolment interview and day visit where applicable. Upon accepting a place you will be required to complete and return the following documents:
- Completed Reply Form
- Signed copy of the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment
- A non-refundable Confirmation Fee of $500 is required (for new students)
- Tuition Contribution Fee of $1000 is required (Please note, the tuition contribution fee will be deducted from the first statement you receive in the calendar year your child commences – commonly the Term 2 account, sent to you in April). r
Once all requirements have been received a letter confirming your child’s place will be sent, along with the Confirmation Fee receipt.
Once all the required documents have been received we will send you a confirmation of enrolment that will include:
- Uniform information (Prep – Year 12)
- Orientation program
- Access to myKDS (our Parent Portal)
- Receipts

Starting at King David
Each family (together with their child) will meet with the Director of the ELC to discuss their child’s individual needs. Children participate in orientation sessions to become familiar with the educators and the environment prior to their first full day at the ELC.
Our extensive Transition to Prep program commences in Term 3 in the year prior to your child starting in Prep. Your child will participate in a variety of activities including Art, Sport, Buddy Program and Shabbat. By the time each child reaches the first day of school, they are very familiar with the staff and the environment.
Each year, King David welcomes many new students into Year 7. We start this process when students are in Year 5 with our Connect Day, usually held in the second half of the year. Current and prospective students (all in casual clothes) have the opportunity to experience life and learning at the Senior School.
Following on from Connect Day in Year 5, students in Year 6 have a further opportunity the year prior to joining King David to become familiar with the learning environment and specialist subjects offered at the School. Experience Day is held early in the year during Term 1.
Orientation Day is held towards the end of Term 4 for students who have confirmed places in Year 7 for the following year. At the end of this day, students exchange contact details and are encouraged to connect over the summer break prior to the start of the new School year.
There is opportunity for all new students to participate in an orientation program. In the Junior School, a “going up” or “Kadimah Day” is held at the end of Term 4 where all students spend some time in their year level for the following year. New students are invited at this time.
2026 Scholarships
The King David School has a range of academic and equity scholarships. These are generously funded by our donors. Scholarships offer a reduction of tuition fees, which varies depending on the type of scholarship. Most scholarships are for the duration of the student’s schooling, provided the student adheres to the scholarship conditions.
Applications for 2026 scholarships are now open.
Please click here to see our range of open scholarships, including our Sport, Alumni and Netzer scholarships.
Academic Scholarship
Awarded to students who demonstrate high levels of academic ability and who will benefit from and contribute to the extra-curricular life of the School. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the Scholarship Examination, online application and interview.
For further information on Academic Scholarships please click here.
Derech Eretz Scholarship
Thanks to the generous support of our Donors which has enabled us to offer a number of Derech Eretz awards to new students entering The King David School. Derech Eretz can be described as one who consistently demonstrates common decency, or high emotional and interpersonal intelligence.
For further information on Derech Eretz Scholarships please click here.
This scholarship honours former King David student, Gabi Awalom Basser.
Offered to a student entering Year 10 in 2026 who demonstrates promise in the field of STEM.
The Gabi Awalom Basser STEM Scholarship is named in memory of Gabi, a student of The King David School who passed away too soon from illness in 2021. Gabi started at the School in Junior Kinder, graduating in 2007. She was an outstanding student and Dux of her graduating class.
Please click here to find out more information.
Through the generosity of Leibovich Family Foundation, The King David School is delighted to offer new students entering the School in Year 9 (2026) the opportunity to apply for the Roza and Ezra Polak Scholarship. This scholarship was established to provide a student who cannot afford a King David Education the opportunity to be part of our wonderful school.

Opportunity & Inclusion Scholarships
Thanks to generous donors to The King David School Foundation, the School offers Opportunity and Inclusion Scholarships. This means-tested program can offer long-term reduction in tuition fees on a whole family basis. The Opportunity and Inclusion scholarships are awarded to families who, for financial reasons, require assistance for their child to attend The King David School and are reassessed annually. Scholarships are available to new and existing students. To enquire, please click here.
Thanks to our generous donors
- Rachmil & Roza Brin Scholarship Fund
- The Leo & Mina Fink Fund
- Jakob Frenkiel Charitable Trust
- Tom & Jenny Gorog
- Estate of Don & Sonia Marejn
- Pomegranate Fund
- Sam Sharman OAM
- The Sid and Elaine Davidoff Charitable Fund
- Anonymous
School Uniform
Our uniform is of good quality, fits most body shapes and sizes and is non-gender specific where possible. The school uniform is distinctive and affordable, well-coordinated, easily laundered, durable, and ethically sourced.
The King David School uniform is available for purchase from:
Bob Stewart Uniform Specialists
158 Waverley Road, Malvern East
Phone: (03) 9036 7342
School uniforms can also be ordered online via Bob Stewart. Orders can be posted to either your home or office or click & collect from the Bob Stewart, Malvern Store.
For more information, visit the KDS section of the Bob Stewart site
KDS Second Hand Uniform
Second hand KDS uniforms are available for purchase from the Posh Opp Shoppe, corner of Grange and Glenhuntly Roads, Glenhuntly. All proceeds from the sale of second hand uniform items support the vital work the Posh Opp Shoppe does in providing funding for children with special needs in Jewish schools.
All items to be donated to the Posh Opp Shoppe must be washed and in good wearable condition. No tears or large stains. Uniform donations are to be dropped directly to the Posh Opp Shoppe at the Glenhuntly location only. Families are encouraged to deliver second-hand uniforms to the Posh Opp Shoppe to encourage re-using of uniforms and encourage sustainable practices.
All items are at significantly reduced prices.
KDSPA Buy Swap Sell Facebook Page
To buy or sell second hand school uniforms, The King David School Parents’ Association (KDSPA) has established a KDSPA Buy Swap Sell Facebook page. This is an easy way to buy, swap and sell all items of school uniform and textbooks.