Emotional Intelligence
Our student wellbeing program focuses on the development of the whole person. It is hoped that our students become productive members of the community, self-aware, purposeful, caring, resourceful and healthy. The importance of emotional intelligence is highlighted through the RULER program where students are taught to Recognise, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate their emotions. Based on a program devised at Yale University, students are also taught skills to be their best self when faced with difficult situations.
Pastoral Care
The size of our school allows every student to feel that they are heard and have multiple avenues to voice any issues that may arise. The Kesher (Homeroom) teacher is always the student's first contact for any concerns. In the Middle and Senior Schools, there is also a Year Level Coordinator to oversee the wellbeing of the cohort. The School employs several Educational Psychologists for private consultations when required.
Cyber Safety
With students having readily available access to digital technology, the School teaches digital citizenship and cyber safety skills to students in all year levels in an age appropriate manner for each age and stage of development. Parent Education sessions are held each year as this is a constantly changing area. The School works in partnership with families to ensure the students are utilising technology in a safe and sensible way.
Students are taught mindfulness techniques so that they can clear their minds in order to focus and learn. In the Junior School, there is a dedicated Mindfulness time after lunch recess and in the Middle and Senior Schools, the Mindfulness studio is available for guided and self-guided mindfulness practice. Even our youngest students in the ELC have yoga and mindfulness included in their daily routines. Students are taught how to calm their mind and the importance of positive self talk to encourage a growth mindset.