Year 2 Shofar Workshop
In preparation for Chodesh Elul, the Year 2 students had the opportunity to participate in a workshop led by Rabbi Gary Robuck, from Temple Beth Israel, held at The King David School. “Rabbi G” explained the importance of sounding the shofar in the final month of the Jewish calendar and how it acts as an alarm clock waking each of us up to consider our actions. He demonstrated how to sound the four sounds of the shofar and the bracha we say on Rosh HaShanah for the mitzvah of hearing its sounds.
Each student was allocated their own shofar for Chodesh Elul and had a go sounding it, which wasn’t so easy! Next week, the Year 2 students are looking forward to beginning their daily visits to the ELC and Junior School and sounding their shofar, offering all students the opportunity to participate in this minhag (custom) of Chodesh Elul.
Wolf P- I felt peaceful hearing the sound of the shofar.
Jonah T- I felt safe hearing the sound of the shofar.
Marlo- It felt like an alarm!
Rachel Ben – Atar
Jewish Studies Teacher