Captivating performances – VCE Theatre Studies students
This week, audiences were treated to three outstanding performances by the VCE Theatre Studies class of Yasmina Rezas’ play, ‘God of Carnage’. Teacher and director, Phoebe Witts, adapted the play-script to engage with a modern Australian audience, expertly casting the play to elicit the very best from our students.
Charley Cowen gave an exhilarating performance as the humanitarian writer, Veronica, whose erraticism had the audience on the edge of their seats. Charley ably portrayed an evolution of character that had the maturity of a seasoned performer. Rylee Sack played Veronica’s wife, Michelle, a self-made salesperson brilliantly. She lulled the audience into a sense of security before giving them whiplash as Michelle revealed her true feelings about their marriage. Liad Navon was captivating as he brought his character Alain, a self-obsessed lawyer, to life. Liad’s expert pace and delivery resulted in a dynamic performance. Alain’s wife and finance manager, Annette, was skillfully portrayed by Emma Schulman who created moments of comic genius on stage.
The Lawrence Family theatrette once again hosted a magical night of theatre at KDS! Kol hakavod to all involved!
Laura Rickhuss