Shavuot cheesecake competition
Students from Years 6-8 packed into our MPR on Wednesday for the annual Shavuot cheesecake competition. A record number of students presented entries to the judges, ranging from classic New York baked cheesecake to cookies and cream flavoured dessert, a twist on the traditional blintz (gluten free!) and a pavlova.
Our judges, teachers of Year 6-8, had a tremendously difficult job of tasting each creation. Poor teachers!
Some students presented their desserts with extra flair, drizzling syrup or shaking icing sugar over the top just before serving.
It was a tough competition. Head judge Adi Zayon remarked that the quality of entries has improved every year, and this year, every entry was worthy of being in the top three of previous years’ competitions.
Sadly, there could only be one top three this year:
Third place was awarded to Eli R (Year 6) for his three-part entry consisting of chocolate brownies with homemade vanilla ice cream and green tea cookies. Second place went to Rafaella C (Year 7) for her delightful biscoff mini cheesecakes. First place was awarded to Oscar G (Year 8), who wowed the judges with his perfect take on the class New York Cheesecake. Adi commented that with such a classic, “there is nowhere to hide, no tricks to pull”. Oscar did an outstanding job.
Afterwards, students shared their cheesecakes, enjoying dairy for Shavuot.
Mazel tov to all who entered. Chag Shavuot Sameach!