Our incredible Year 12 students
Today was our Year 12 students’ last day at school before preparing for their upcoming VCE Exams. The Class of 2023 is a selfless, respectful cohort of young people who have been outstanding role models for all King David students.
Considering the situation in Israel, the Class of 2023 decided this was not a day to enjoy the traditional celebration of the end of their school journey.
David Robinson, Head of Senior School, has sent a message to Year 12 families today, congratulating them for the admirable way in which Year 12 students conducted themselves. It is shared below:
Dear Year 12 Parents,
I want to write to you today to commend your children. Usually the final day of Year 12 classes is accompanied by special celebrations and activities, most of which did not feel appropriate in the current climate. Instead of bemoaning these missed opportunities, the Class of 2023 exhibited great maturity and selflessness today. This morning they participated in a tekes with the whole school community to acknowledge the ongoing situation in Israel, and to come together with messages of hope and kindness. Representatives of the Year 12 cohort addressed the School to mark what they described as a ‘bitter-sweet’ moment. They were able to express both their sadness for the Jewish community as well as mark the culmination of their studies with just the right tone. They then joined together as a cohort to watch videos they had made and enjoyed a brunch with their teachers. Finally, as they left the School today, staff and students formed a guard of honour to send them off into their next chapter. This group of students has impressed us many times throughout their time at King David, and today was yet another testament to their wonderful spirit. While we still have the VCE Examinations and graduation events to come, it is important to acknowledge the incredible example your children have set today in the way they have concluded their classes.
My thoughts are with you and your families in these challenging times.
David Robinson
Head of Senior School