Gan Rimon explore the Urban Forest
On Thursday there was a buzz of energy in the Gan Rimon classroom. The children gathered to read ‘A Walk in the Bush’ by Gwyn Perkins. We discussed the many different types of animals that we might see when in the Urban Forrest. What senses would we be using? Looking, smelling, hearing, and touching… but what happens if we see a spider or a snake? Should we touch them? NO!
Marlon said: If you see a snake, you should freeze and the snake will slither away.
The bus ride over to the Urban Forest was full of games of paper, scissors, rock. Once off the bus we found the Gan Seorah group and had a little morning tea. We then could have an explore and play. We joined with Gan Seorah in a large yarning circle and said thank you to the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation. In our Acknowledgement to Country, we spoke about ways to treat the animals, the land and waterways with respect. We learned some new Bunurong words and spoke about safety in the bush.
The children entered the bush with confidence, with most children sharing how they remember visiting last year.
We observed, dug, held and chased birds, and creepy crawlies making sure to be gentle and return them to their natural habitat. Lots of time was spent running up and down hills, in the stick Tee Pee and collecting treasures.
The children showed their creativity, their imagination and their ability to adapt to learning in a space with natural and limited resources. We observed a very empathetic and caring culture whilst the children were on Country. The children couldn’t wipe their smiles off their faces. They played beautifully together and made some amazing memories. We can’t wait for our next Bush Kinder.
We will continue to build the Tee Pees even more and roll down some bigger hills. More exploring will occur when we visit te Urban Forest again.
Amanda D.
ELC Teacher