Gan Gefen celebrates World Environment Day
World Environment Day is an annual global event celebrated on 5 June. This annual day encourages all of us to be more aware and take action for the protection of our environment. The theme this year is ‘solutions to the plastic pollution’. This year marks the event’s 50th anniversary.
Over the last few days in Gan Gefen we have had discussions with the children about recycling, sustainability and re-use. We have spoken about ways we can keep the Earth clean and all the children agreed that we can all help by turning lights off when we leave a room, not to leave the tap running when brushing teeth, riding bikes sometimes instead of driving cars and picking up rubbish.
To put our discussions into action, on Monday Gan Gefen children went for a walk around the school collecting all the rubbish we could find on the ground. Collaboratively the children have been working on our very own collage earth displayed in our room. Partaking in World Environment Day helps to promote social responsibility and encourages children to show respect, care and appreciation for their natural environment.
Amy Samowitz
ELC Educator