Seven VCE students are on stage in their production of The Snow - they are in costume dressed for snowy weather. There is a ladder on the stage. They are looking down and talking to each other trying to make plans.

Finegan Kruckemeyer’s The Snow

Finegan Kruckemeyer’s The Snow may be set in a very cold climate but our talented VCE Theatre Studies students warmed audience hearts with their whimsical, humorous, mysterious and sincere performances.

Below is a note from Head of Senior School, David Robinson after opening night:

Dear cast and crew of The Snow,

What a fantastic performance of The Snow last night! I commend you all on putting together such a thought-provoking and richly symbolic production. The performances were polished, the staging was imaginative and the design was clever. I spoke to the other staff who attended last night and allow me to say on behalf of us all that we are very proud of you. To see our Senior School students present themselves so professionally is a joy to see. It is obvious how much time and energy you have invested into the show. 

Hearty congratulations,

Mr Robinson