Bees visit the ELC in time for Rosh HaShanah

This week Fiona Marantelli the Beekeeper came to visit King David to give the ELC a chance to learn more about bees, answer all our interesting questions and see them live and up close. Fiona is a Beekeeper of five hives, and she engaged us with an interactive program explaining to us how her bees make honey for us to dip our apples into for Rosh HaShanah.

Fiona came with her smoker, dressed in her suit and with her bees in a big wooden box where we could see the bees buzzing around, making honey. Some of us even spotted the queen bee, as she had a special dot on her back, which Fiona drew so we could identify her.

We learnt six very interesting facts about bees. Some of these we had already been learning about in our class room.

Bees have one Queen bee in the hive.

Every bee has two antennae.

There are three kinds of bees in each hive.

Honey bees have four wings, five eyes, six legs.

We quickly hurried back to work on our Bee drawings and put our knowledge on paper!

Amy Samowitz

ELC Educator