A happy and sweet New Year

Excitement was buzzzzzing in the Junior School from the moment the Year 2 students blew their shofarot in the Prep – Year 5 classrooms in the morning. The annual Rosh HaShanah Festival ensured every student was involved in engaging hands-on learning in preparation for the Yamim Noraim (High Holy Days). 

With each year level participating in different activities, there was excitement as students baked honey cake and honey joys, learned how to braid their own round challah, decorated special challah covers as well as other Rosh HaShanah themed craft activities. There was a special Tashlich ceremony outside where students were encouraged to reflect on their behaviour from the previous year and decide what they are proud of, and which behaviours they would like to leave behind as we head into the new year of 5784.

We thank our enthusiastic team of Jewish Life educators, Jewish Studies and Hebrew teachers as well as the Kesher teachers for helping to make this day a fun-filled educational experience for all. Shana Tova uMetukah! Wishing everyone a happy and sweet New Year!