2024 VCE Results
Mazal tov to our Class of 2024 for their excellent VCE results, which overall place The King David School in the top 2% of schools in Victoria.
Principal Marc Light said, “As our students graduate from our school, we are filled with nachat (pride) at the outstanding cohort of individuals they have become. They care so much about their community and the world around them and will no doubt make a wonderful impact in their chosen fields.”
Marc Light added, “The students’ dedication and commitment, supported and guided by the expertise of their teachers has enabled them to achieve results that will open doors to the tertiary courses they seek.”
This year, the students’ ATAR results are as follows:
7% achieved 98 or above placing them in the top 2% of the State
33% achieved 90 or above placing them in the top 10% of the State
69% achieved 80 or above placing them in the top 20% of the State
89% achieved 70 or above placing them in the top 30% of the State
The median Study Score was 34 with 18.4% of Study Scores above 40. Our Year 11 students who completed a Unit 3 & 4 subject achieved a median Study Score of 38.
This year’s Dux is David Lipton who achieved an ATAR of 98.7.
We also wish David a Mazal tov on achieving a perfect study score of 50 for Geography.